Hello Cat Boss here! Today we’ll be going through a quick tutorial on how to set up a working full node for Juno testnet.
We will cover post genesis setup for their current testnet lucina
Official documentation from Juno team can be found here: https://docs.junochain.com/validators/joining-the-testnets#joining-as-a-validator
Create a server
First we will setup the server. We’ll be using the minimum required setup which is Ubuntu 18.04LTS with 2GB RAM / 1 CPUs/ 50GB storage.
Remotely ssh into the server using the CLI and create a new user
As mentioned in our previous article, we recommend creating new user and switching to it from root user. To do this, login in to the server using cli:
ssh root@your-server-ip
Run this to create new user and give it a sudo role:
adduser <username>
usermod -aG sudo <username>
We can test it by switching to this user and running a sudo command:
su - <username>
sudo ls -la /root
The output should look similar to this:

Now, we can exit root ssh and login with user we’ve just created
ssh username@your-server-ip
General environment setup
Next step is to prepare our environment by updating / upgrading the system and installing the libraries needed to install the juno binary.
# Update the system
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade# Install git, gcc and make
sudo apt-get install make build-essential gcc git ufw curl git-lfs jq -yqq git lfs install --skip-repo# Install Go with Snap
sudo snap install go --classic# Export environment variables
echo 'export GOPATH="$HOME/go"' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export GOBIN="$GOPATH/bin"' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export GO111MODULE=on' >> ~/.profilesource ~/.profile
To verify go is installed correctly run:
go version
It should return go version, the output should look similar to this:
go version go1.16.6 linux/amd64
Install junod
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/CosmosContracts/Juno.git
cd Juno
git fetch -a
git checkout lucina
make install
To verify you successfully installed junod run:
junod version --long
It should return output like this:
name: juno
server_name: junod
version: HEAD-41e53a7972bf9472ad3cc551b468268e087f95ae
commit: 41e53a7972bf9472ad3cc551b468268e087f95ae
build_tags: netgo,ledger
go: go version go1.16.6 linux/amd64
- github.com/99designs/keyring@v1.1.6
- github.com/ChainSafe/go-schnorrkel@v0.0.0-20200405005733-88cbf1b4c40d
- github.com/CosmWasm/wasmd@v0.16.0
- github.com/CosmWasm/wasmvm@v0.14.0
- github.com/Workiva/go-datastructures@v1.0.52
- github.com/armon/go-metrics@v0.3.8
- github.com/beorn7/perks@v1.0.1
- github.com/bgentry/speakeasy@v0.1.0
- github.com/btcsuite/btcd@v0.21.0-beta
- github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2@v2.1.1
- github.com/confio/ics23/go@v0.6.6
- github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.42.5
- github.com/cosmos/go-bip39@v1.0.0
- github.com/cosmos/iavl@v0.16.0
- github.com/cosmos/ledger-cosmos-go@v0.11.1
- github.com/cosmos/ledger-go@v0.9.2
- github.com/davecgh/go-spew@v1.1.1
- github.com/dvsekhvalnov/jose2go@v0.0.0-20200901110807-248326c1351b
- github.com/enigmampc/btcutil@v1.0.3-0.20200723161021-e2fb6adb2a25
- github.com/felixge/httpsnoop@v1.0.1
- github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify@v1.4.9
- github.com/go-kit/kit@v0.10.0
- github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt@v0.5.0
- github.com/godbus/dbus@v0.0.0-20190726142602-4481cbc300e2
- github.com/gogo/gateway@v1.1.0
- github.com/gogo/protobuf@v1.3.3 => github.com/regen-network/protobuf@v1.3.3-alpha.regen.1
- github.com/golang/protobuf@v1.5.2
- github.com/golang/snappy@v0.0.3-0.20201103224600-674baa8c7fc3
- github.com/google/btree@v1.0.0
- github.com/google/gofuzz@v1.2.0
- github.com/google/orderedcode@v0.0.1
- github.com/gorilla/handlers@v1.5.1
- github.com/gorilla/mux@v1.8.0
- github.com/gorilla/websocket@v1.4.2
- github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware@v1.3.0
- github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway@v1.16.0
- github.com/gsterjov/go-libsecret@v0.0.0-20161001094733-a6f4afe4910c
- github.com/gtank/merlin@v0.1.1
- github.com/gtank/ristretto255@v0.1.2
- github.com/hashicorp/go-immutable-radix@v1.0.0
- github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru@v0.5.4
- github.com/hashicorp/hcl@v1.0.0
- github.com/libp2p/go-buffer-pool@v0.0.2
- github.com/magiconair/properties@v1.8.5
- github.com/mattn/go-isatty@v0.0.12
- github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions@v1.0.1
- github.com/mimoo/StrobeGo@v0.0.0-20181016162300-f8f6d4d2b643
- github.com/minio/highwayhash@v1.0.1
- github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir@v1.1.0
- github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure@v1.3.3
- github.com/mtibben/percent@v0.2.1
- github.com/pelletier/go-toml@v1.8.1
- github.com/pkg/errors@v0.9.1
- github.com/pmezard/go-difflib@v1.0.0
- github.com/prometheus/client_golang@v1.10.0
- github.com/prometheus/client_model@v0.2.0
- github.com/prometheus/common@v0.23.0
- github.com/prometheus/procfs@v0.6.0
- github.com/rakyll/statik@v0.1.7
- github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics@v0.0.0-20200313005456-10cdbea86bc0
- github.com/regen-network/cosmos-proto@v0.3.1
- github.com/rs/cors@v1.7.0
- github.com/rs/zerolog@v1.21.0
- github.com/spf13/afero@v1.3.4
- github.com/spf13/cast@v1.3.1
- github.com/spf13/cobra@v1.1.3
- github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman@v1.1.0
- github.com/spf13/pflag@v1.0.5
- github.com/spf13/viper@v1.7.1
- github.com/stretchr/testify@v1.7.0
- github.com/subosito/gotenv@v1.2.0
- github.com/syndtr/goleveldb@v1.0.1-0.20200815110645-5c35d600f0ca
- github.com/tendermint/btcd@v0.1.1
- github.com/tendermint/crypto@v0.0.0-20191022145703-50d29ede1e15
- github.com/tendermint/go-amino@v0.16.0
- github.com/tendermint/spm@v0.0.0-20210524110815-6d7452d2dc4a
- github.com/tendermint/tendermint@v0.34.10
- github.com/tendermint/tm-db@v0.6.4
- github.com/zondax/hid@v0.9.0
- golang.org/x/crypto@v0.0.0-20201221181555-eec23a3978ad
- golang.org/x/net@v0.0.0-20210316092652-d523dce5a7f4
- golang.org/x/sys@v0.0.0-20210510120138-977fb7262007
- golang.org/x/term@v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1
- golang.org/x/text@v0.3.5
- google.golang.org/genproto@v0.0.0-20210426193834-eac7f76ac494
- google.golang.org/grpc@v1.37.0 => google.golang.org/grpc@v1.33.2
- google.golang.org/protobuf@v1.26.0
- gopkg.in/ini.v1@v1.61.0
- gopkg.in/yaml.v2@v2.4.0
- gopkg.in/yaml.v3@v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b
To initialise juno working directory we will run the following:
junod init <moniker-name> --chain-id=lucina
This will generate genesis.json
, node_key.json
, and priv_validator_key.json
files in ~/.juno/config/
Download the genesis file
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CosmosContracts/testnets/main/lucina/genesis.json > ~/.juno/config/genesis.json
This will replace the genesis file created using junod init
command with the genesis file currently being used in lucina
Edit config.toml
Next we need to update peers in config.toml
file, let’s run the following to open the file:
nano ~/.juno/config/config.toml
and update the field with the details:
# Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections to
persistent_peers = "1c667727dec684af1d985072b11652ca47dd2ff0@,2e2628319f50a61e979cb1a86234351f93aff62c@,3a46840ad6ef9f014fb8157409eef6808806c861@,83e15c0440bc9a2e74c7deb28f2c7a1b2c4142e9@,ec730773944fbdc6a8c4918984f571aa57c975a3@,ed292d66c239f3b86f19cbb1d7c6c125464b87d0@,ff68dc9f1808d9d497a769719cecd2785e093776@,6ec2b1b9f0c279875de1b493278e1c54d2de98f5@,74667752912bb51325492682ab97bbff8edb7101@,1adfaa31f3ea8dba735771645fb2f5aba406431c@"
Now let’s save current chain-id as lucina
in our config so we don’t need to pass —-chain-id
flag every time we send tx.
cd $HOME
junod config chain-id lucina
Setup Cosmovisor (optional)
In order to do automatic on-chain upgrades we will be using cosmovisor. Setting it up is optional but highly recommended by Cats. You can read more about it here: https://docs.cosmos.network/master/run-node/cosmovisor.html
- Download Cosmovisor binary
cd $HOME
go get github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/cosmovisor/cmd/cosmovisor
Check if cosmovisor has been installed correctly:
which cosmovisor
It should return something like this
2. Set up the environment variables
cd $HOME
echo "# Setup Cosmovisor" >> ~/.profile
echo "export DAEMON_NAME=junod" >> ~/.profile
echo "export DAEMON_HOME=$HOME/.juno" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
Verify by running the following, it should return junod
Set up folder structure
mkdir -p $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
mkdir -p $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/upgradescp $(which junod) $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
Verify by running
cosmovisor version
3. Open 26656 port to allow other nodes to connect to you as a peer
Opening port 26656 is beneficial for the entire network. To do this, run:
# running this should show it is inactive
sudo ufw status# Turn on ssh if you need it
sudo ufw allow ssh# Accept connections to port 26656 from any address
sudo ufw allow from any to any port 26656 proto tcp# enable ufw
sudo ufw enable# check ufw is running
sudo ufw status
4. Start the node (test run)
Alright after everything is setup and ready to go we can finally start our node. Run the command:
cosmovisor start
Give it a few minutes to process the genesis file and if you can’t see any errors on the screen, stop the node by pressing Ctrl + C. We are going to setup the background service now.
5. Set up cosmovisor as background service
This will allow the node to run in the background and restart automatically.
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Juno Daemon
ExecStart=$(which cosmovisor) start
Update and start
sudo -S systemctl daemon-reload
sudo -S systemctl enable cosmovisor
sudo -S systemctl start cosmovisor
Check the status
sudo service cosmovisor status
Check the logs
sudo journalctl -u cosmovisor -f
6. Check if your node has been synced up
To check if your node has synced to the latest height, run this command :
cosmovisor status 2>&1 | jq "{catching_up: .SyncInfo.catching_up}"
If the returned output is true then your node is still syncing, if false then you are all synced up.
Congrats, you’ve made it! You have officially created a full node for lucina
testnet. Now that wasn’t too hard, was it?
Look out for more tutorials coming out soon. including turning a full node into validator node for juno lucina
Let’s stay in touch! Meow!